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October 2022

LAMING SETS HIS SIGHTS ON A STATE SEAT After some stunning defamation wins, former Federal Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, is not giving up on politics. Dr Laming has been extremely disciplined in his determination to clear his name. One by one a host of politicians, media celebrities and media companies have succumbed to his legal actions. It has turned out a huge embarrassment to the biggest media prize in the land, the Walkley Award, presented annually to the top journalist efforts. It was last year given to two journalists for their stories on the ‘up-skirting’ allegations against Andrew Laming. Clearly they didn’t do their research, and the prize was awarded on what has turned out to be a ‘lie’. Will the award be re-awarded? we do not know, but it is certainly a huge embarrassment to the journalistic profession. And to make matters worse for some, the good doctor is not giving up on a political comeback, which has foreshadowed his future. Interestingly for the Redlands and the Islands, Dr Laming has now indicated he is hoping for a political ‘comeback’ at a Queensland State level with the LNP. “I’m sticking with the LNP because they've stuck with me," he said. “I am grateful to the unwavering support of my Redland community, my wife Olesja, Sophie and Isobel, and the 50 friends and colleagues who swore affidavits in these proceedings.” We can only presume he intends to be the LNP candidate for the seat of Redlands at the next Queensland State Election. He will certainly have considerable election funds on hand as a result of his collection defamation wins! DRONE DOING ENERGEX WORK If you are out and about on our islands, and you see a drone hovering above your head near a power line, never fear, it is Energex at work. The electricity provider has advised that their repair crews are no flying the latest drones to prepare the Energex and Ergon Energy power networks for summer. Apparently these new drones are very ‘cool’ and can do amazing things including tasks that, until now, could only be done by hand. The tasks the drones have been doing are at the request of the State Emergency Service to make their flood boat responses safer along waterways. This will occur on powerlines located near waterways. E SCOOTERS AND HELMETS! Despite the use of E Scooters on our islands, many users are not wearing helmets! The other day, we saw one rider on Macleay Island hurtling down Kate Street under the shade of trees. He was wearing dark clothing and could barely be seen. To make it worse, he also was not wearing a helmet. Others we have noticed getting on and off our ferries are also not wearing helmets. This is despite many people receiving critical head injuries from accidents involving the new mode of transport. It has been revealed that in some places in Australia E-Scooters have replaced car rides by up to 60 per cent. While nifty E-scooters are proving to be a popular mode of transport, data has shown riding them is not without risk of serious injury. On our islands, two young people have lost their lives while riding bikes without a helmet. The evidence is clear, if you ride a bike or an E-Scooter, WEAR A HELMET! THANK YOU’S RE ‘WHO’S RESPONSIBLE?’ There has been a considerable response to a recent article in The Friendly Bay Islander concerning ‘Who’s Responsible for What! Many people do not fully understand the workings of Government, and the article attempted to show what section of Government is responsible for what services that are provided, as well as who is responsible for what at council level. One reader from North Stradbroke Island said in an email to us: Thank you for your editorial “Who’s Responsible for What At Council’. Your explanation of the machinations within the council came as a complete surprise to me, but it now helps me understand.”

COUNCIL PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE QUEEN Redland City Council paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with a message of condolence and a one-minute silence at the General Meeting just days after the death of the Sovereign. Mayor Karen Williams said the minute’s silence gave everyone in attendance the opportunity to reflect on the life, service and dedication of the Queen. “It was a sad day indeed when Redlands Coast awoke to the news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” Cr Williams said in the message of condolence. Her Majesty served us all with great dignity and devotion for more than 70 years; her dedication to duty was unsurpassed, and her warmth, grace and good humour was an inspiration to us all. On behalf of Redlands Coast, we extend our profound sympathy and sincere condolences to the Royal Family and all those who mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II.” All Councillors signed the message of condolence at the meeting.



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