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A 61-year-old Tweed Heads woman has been issued a notice to appear in court following the devastating fire that occurred at Todman Street, Russell Island on Sunday, August 6, 2023.

The fire was so devastating that it claimed the lives of six people and destroyed three houses.

According to the my website, it will be alleged the woman is the owner of the property and was not present when the fire occurred.

It will be further alleged the house did not have ‘compliant’ smoke alarms.

The woman has been served a notice to appear on one count of ‘owners must install compliant smoke alarms’.

She is expected to appear at the Cleveland Magistrates Court on March 26.

It was also revealed in the report that detective continue to investigate the fire and a final report is expected to be submitted to the Coroner in the ‘near future’.

If you have any information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24 hours per day at or call 131 444.You can also call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

It is also listed here - FROM 1 JANUARY 2017 :

• When replacing smoke alarms, they must be of a photoelectric type which complies with Australian Standard (AS) 3786-2014. 

• Existing smoke alarms manufactured more than ten years ago must be replaced. (Note: Smoke alarms should have the date of manufacture stamped on them.) 

• Smoke alarms that do not operate when tested must be replaced immediately. 

• Existing hardwired smoke alarms that need replacement must be replaced with a hardwired smoke alarm. 

AND FROM 1 JANUARY 2027 - Smoke alarms in all dwellings must: 

  • i)  be photoelectric (AS 3786-2014); and 

  • ii)  not also contain an ionisation sensor; and 

  • iii)  be less than10yearsold;and 

  • iv)  operate when tested; and 

  • v)  be interconnected with every other smoke alarm in the dwelling so all activate together. 

  • Smoke alarms must be installed on each storey

  • i)  in each bedroom; and 

  • ii)  in hallways which connect bedrooms and the rest of the dwelling; or 

  • iii) if there is no hallway, between the bedrooms and other parts of the storey; and

iv) if there are no bedrooms on a storey at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling

Smoke alarms must be either hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10 year battery, or a combination of both may be allowed. 



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